Breathe Again


The career conference and the follow up process that followed is finally concluded.  At the conference in Charlotte, North Carolina I conducted interviews with 13 excellent companies interviewing with a total of 30 different people associated with those 13 companies. Can anyone say mentally draining??  That was Step 1. At the conclusion of the conference, I had 8 yesses, 1 maybe and 4 nos.  After rank preferencing which jobs I wanted, the no’s happened to be my #6, 10, 12, and 13 so my feelings were definitely not hurt.  I divided the list into 3 categories: Top Group, Alternates, and No Interest.  I was set up to go on 6 follow ups.

Of those 6, I physically traveled to 3 of them and if you read my social media posts regarding my travel experiences, you know that 3 was ENOUGH.  MORE THAN ENOUGH.  I’ll be happy not to see another airport any time in the near future.  I did, however, have the opportunity to travel to Chicago, Fort Lauderdale and Oklahoma City.

I conducted two interviews over the phone—one of which was an hour and 20 minutes long with one person, the other approximately 2.5 hours with 3 different people.  Another required a memorandum and powerpoint presentation submission.  Because the memo and powerpoint were based off a fake scenario that heavily involved interpreting numbers, I was doubtful that a physical visit would take place and I was right.  One thing’s for sure, not every military person earns their PowerPoint badge…  this generationally displaced tech-tard certainly won’t by the time she leaves active duty.

For approximately two weeks, I prepared for follow up interviews and at the conclusion of my travels and interviews I had spoken with at least 28 more people directly and several others indirectly while touring sites.  To say I was exhausted is a major understatement.  I was running on fumes and barely sleeping.  I was barely keeping up with my graduate work studies and neglected turning in an assignment for one class one week and made the decision to drop the other—Accounting—because again, numbers frustrate me and that is a course that requires a 100% devoted effort.  The professor even laughed at me–professionally of course–and said he thought it was a “heroic” endeavor.

While a phenomenal and successful experience, I do not choose to go through such again!  I met some great people and I received 2 offers from the companies I’d ranked #1 and #3 on my list—the first with Pactiv which would have put me in Georgia to start, and the second, Love’s, which would have me start on the panhandle of Florida.  After carefully weighing both and literally writing out the pros and cons, I chose Love’s.  I will be moving to the Sunshine State in April!  It feels right and I am excited to see what lies ahead–a whole new adventure and a lot of Vitamin Sea!

I currently have a cat snuggled against my leg, a candle burning, a glass of wine next to me, and a weekend ahead of me that is absolutely and completely clear of anything to do.  For the first time in months, I feel relaxed. My weekend future includes a bubble bath, leisure reading, perhaps a movie or two and time in the kitchen. I already made a homemade soup for dinner.  Comfort food.  Perhaps I’ll bake a cake tomorrow.  My choices are limitless!  I share all of this because what it comes down to is Self-Care.  Before I dove into the last month and a half of conference and follow-up interviews, I was conducting the suicide investigation I wrote previously about.  That process only concluded the week prior to the career conference with three separate Fatality Review Boards I had to brief at.  From November 8 when I was assigned that investigation to today, it has been one nonstop roller coaster of emotion, pressure and performance.  Sleep doesn’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired; therefore, Self-Care is not an indulgence.  It’s a discipline.  It requires tough mindedness, a deep and personal understanding of your priorities, and a respect for both yourself and the people you choose to spend your life with.  This weekend is my weekend of Self-Care.  We can’t be Superman or Superwoman 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Know yourself and take care of yourself; breathe again.  Your mind, body, and soul will thank yourself for it.

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